Si.king into a black hole
Si.king into a black hole

si.king into a black hole

si.king into a black hole

Physical Constraints from Near-infrared Fast Photometry of the Black Hole Transient GX 339–4. De, Fender, R., Gandhi, P., Malzac, J., O’Brien, K.

si.king into a black hole

M., Casella, P., Petrucci, P., Maccarone, T., Russell, D. KIDSpec: An MKID-Based Medium-Resolution, Integral Field Spectrograph. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 132(1016): 104503.

#Si.king into a black hole simulator#

First Principle Simulator of a Stochastically Varying Image Plane for Photon-counting High Contrast Applications.

  • Dodkins, Rupert H., Davis, Kristina K., Lewis, Briley, Mahashabde, Sumedh, Mazin, Benjamin A., Lipartito, Isabel A., Fruitwala, Neelay, O’Brien, Kieran & Thatte, Niranjan (2020).
  • Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 503(1): 614-624. Fast infrared variability from the black hole candidate MAXI J1535−571 and tight constraints on the modelling.
  • Vincentelli, F M, Casella, P, Russell, D M, Baglio, M C, Veledina, A, Maccarone, T, Malzac, J, Fender, R, O’Brien, K & Uttley, P (2021).
  • Design of the VLT-CUBES image slicers: Field re-formatters to provide two spectral resolutions.
  • Calcines, Ariadna, Wells, Martyn, O’Brien, Kieran, Morris, Simon, Seifert, Walter, Zanutta, Alessio, Evans, Chris & Di Marcantonio, Paolo (2022).
  • Calcines Rosario, Ariadna Z., Wells, Martyn, O’Brien, Kieran S., Morris, Simon L., Seifert, Walter, Zanutta, Alessio, Evans, Chris & Di Marcantonio, Paolo (2022), CUBES: application of image slicers to reformat the field for two spectral resolving powers, in Navarro, Ramón & Geyl, Roland eds, 12188: Advances in Optical and Mechanical Technologies for Telescopes and Instrumentation V.
  • I am working with teams in Europe and the US to develop uniquely powerful instruments based around arrays of 1000's of such devices. These are superconducting detectors that are capable of measuring the arrival time of individual optical/near-IR photons to ~1microsecond and simultaneously measuring their energy to ~5-10%. My research focuses on the development of instrumenation based around Kinetic Inductance Detectors (KIDs). I combine these observations to indirectly image the systems in order to better understand the interactions of light and matter in these extreme physical environments. These include X-rays (RXTE, SWIFT and XMM), Optical/UV (VLT, Keck, WHT, Palomar 200-inch and HST) and Infra-red (VLT) observations. This involves observing the sources at a number of wavelengths to probe the different regions. I use the variability of the light emitted from such sources to probe the different components of the binary (the donor star, accretion disk, compact object and out-flowing jet). These are systems that are comprised a compact object (Black Hole, Neutron Star or White Dwarf) in a close binary orbit with a (usually) less evolved star. My research focuses on the study of interacting binaries.

    Si.king into a black hole